Friday Apr 29, 2016
Welcome to Standard - Episode 70
Friday Apr 29, 2016
Friday Apr 29, 2016
- Matt is on the show this week
- Topic: How to have fun in the new game modes
- Reasons to be happy this week
- News: Whispers of the Old Gods!
Standard vs. Wild: What’s Right For You?
- The basics of the new game modes
- Sets going away, Classic/Basic cards, nerfs!
- Why have two modes?
- Casual + Ranked: Both
- Tavern Brawl: Wild
- Adventure: Wild
- Arena: Wild (Cool Ben Brode interview related to Arena)
- Pro Play: Standard
- Reasons to Play Standard
- Reasons to Play Wild
- New players will only see Standard until they craft a Wild card
What cards are you sad to see go into Wild?
- Sludge Belcher, Voidcaller
- Iron Sensei, Crush, Feugen/Stalagg, Vol’jin
- Fel Reaver, Feign Death
- Kel’Thuzad, Mal’Ganis
What cards are you happy to see go into Wild?
- Mogor the Ogre, Iron Juggernaut
- Mal’Ganis, Hemet Nesingwary, Flamecannon
- Piloted Shredder, Sludge Belcher
What deck are you going to miss playing the most?
- Josh: Demon Warlock
- Matt: Mech Mage
Rapid-Fire Advice
- Should you disenchant nerfed/Wild-only cards?
- Should you craft Old Gods cards? Use Matt’s spreadsheet to figure out what to craft next!
- What are new UI changes?
- What Old Gods are we most excited about?
- What’s going to be the next big class that people aren’t expecting?
- iTunes Reviews
- Craig: $25
The Dust Bowl
We need more supporters to sponsor our Old Gods packs! More info on our Donate page.
- Craig: 25 Packs
Card of the Week
- Contact Matt’s Hearthstarter account on Twitter for casual news and tips!
- What you want to see in future episodes
- What hosts you want to visit the show
Saturday Mar 26, 2016
Strategy Potluck 3 – The Deep Freeze - Episode 69
Saturday Mar 26, 2016
Saturday Mar 26, 2016
- Aaron is on the show this week
- Topic: Deck battle!
- Reasons to be happy this week
- News: Whispers of the Old Gods!
Weapons = Card Advantage
Mastermind: Jayme
- Most weapons allow at least 2 attacks.
- Decent weapons are loaded for potential card advantage scenarios.
- Examples: Powermace, Fiery War Axe
- Counterpoints: Health cost, best-case scenarios, Taunt minions, late-game draw, only one weapon slot
Best/Worst Gold Card Animations
Mastermind: Zorin
The Joys of Deckbuilding
Mastermind: Josh
- Experimental deckbuilding is fun!
- Not everyone loves it long-term, but I encourage you to try it at least once if you haven’t yet.
- Follow the basic formula we did with Dreadsteed in the previous 2 episodes
- 1) Find an interesting unique card that could be a win condition that you want to try building around.
- 2) Guess what some of the best synergies with that card might be.
- 3) Guess what some of the worst counters to your card/win condition might be. Include cards that counter that counter.
- 4) Playtest it and make changes as you see what cards don’t pull their weight or what decks you’re losing to often.
- There are many ways to have fun in Hearthstone: Adventures, Heroics, Tavern Brawls, Duels, Normals, Wild, Arena.
- The next time you get frustrated in ranked, take a break. Dig through your collection and find a fun card you haven’t built a deck around yet and give it a try
- Just enjoy the feeling of seeing a combo you thought of all by yourself pay off in a game — even if it doesn’t work in every game.
Murlocs Gone for Good?
Mastermind: Zorin
- Nothing is ever “gone for good” in TCGs.
- Swarm decks in general: Token Paladin, Mech Mage, Beast Hunter.
- Paladin and Shaman both got huge murloc cards, and yet they didn’t last for more than a couple weeks.
- Aaron watched a murloc deck against Kolento today on stream at rank play.
- Except maybe during the first few seasons some people were using a murloc deck to get to legend. But it never was a consistent ladder deck.
- Lots of fun to play and I am sure Team 5 will be keeping us supplied with Murlocs
<3 Hearthstone Community
Mastermind: Aaron
- There are so many great content creators that are not just to trying to educate. They’re trying to mainly entertain.
- Streamers: Forsen, Amaz
- Videos: Trolden, Disguised Toast, Nymn HS
Deep Thoughts with Forrest Bates
Why doesn’t Freezing Trap just freeze the attacker?
- iTunes Reviews
- None
The Dust Bowl
- Jake: 7 Packs
- Corey: 7 Packs
Card of the Week
- Contact Aaron on Twitter and add him on Battlenet: #Fritzal1161!
- What you want to see in future episodes
- What hosts you want to visit the show
Sunday Mar 13, 2016
The Dreadsteed Warlock Deck - Episode 68
Sunday Mar 13, 2016
Sunday Mar 13, 2016
- Chris is on the show this week
- Topic: Deck battle!
- Reasons to be happy this week
- News: Whispers of the Old Gods!
What is a Deck Battle?
Once a month, a guest host brings their favorite deck onto the show to battle the current reigning champion deck for control of the Happy Hearthstone Deck Battle Throne!
If the challenger wins the best-of-3 series, their deck becomes the new Reigning Champion Deck and will fight off future challengers until it loses, or until it’s earned its place in the Happy Hearthstone Hall of Fame!
View the Deck Battle Archive + The Happy Hearthstone Hall of Fame
Defending Deck: Andrew’s Warlock Demon Zoo deck entered the Happy Hearthstone Hall of Fame last episode, so this week, the Challenger deck must battle through a gauntlet of all the previous Hall of Fame decks before ascending to the throne!
Challenger Deck: Chris’s Dreadsteed deck is all about delaying as long as possible and eventually overwhelming the enemy with unkillable minions.
- 1x Sir Finley Mrrgglton
- 1x Zombie Chow
- 1x Dark Peddler
- 1x Doomsayer
- 1x Explosive Sheep
- 1x Ironbeak Owl
- 1x Nerubian Egg
- 1x Big Game Hunter
- 1x Deathlord
- 1x Imp Gang Boss
- 1x Baron Rivendare
- 1x Defender of Argus
- 2x Dreadsteed
- 1x Refreshment Vendor
- 1x Antique Healbot
- 1x Sludge Belcher
- 1x Justicar Trueheart
- 1x Reno Jackson
- 1x Lord Jaraxxus
- 1x Mal’Ganis
- 1x Sacrificial Pact
- 1x Mortal Coil
- 1x Power Overwhelming
- 1x Darkbomb
- 1x Demonwrath
- 1x Hellfire
- 1x Imp-losion
- 1x Siphon Soul
- 1x Twisting Nether
In case you don’t have some of the ideal cards, here are some quality back ups and alterations you can make that keep with the same theme and strengths of the deck.
- 1x Stormwind Champion
- 1x Raid Leader
- 1x Faceless Manipulator
- 1x Sense Demons
- 1x Shadowflame
- 1x Sideshow Spelleater
The Duel
- Question: None this week!
- iTunes Reviews
- Corey (Gainsdalf) – $20
Card of the Week
- Contact Chris on Twitter and check out his photography!
- What you want to see in future episodes
- What hosts you want to visit the show
You can’t stop the demon horse from Xoroth! Chris walks us through the awesome Dreadsteed deck that uses Reno Jackson and plenty of removal to stall and swarm down the enemy with Dreadsteeds!
Note from Josh: The rest of this article was written by Chris. Thanks!
Reno Dreadlock
Since this is a Reno deck, there are a lot of cards to cover (because Reno requires you to not have duplicate cards), so let’s dive right in! You can find a completely plain deck list on the podcast episode. If you want a breakdown of the cards I’ve included in this deck, and the strategy behind them, read on. The main goal of this deck is to trade early with small minions and use AOE to control the board; then lay down Dreadsteeds with Baron Rivendare to keep your opponent off the board; and finish them off with Mal’Ganis, buffing your Dreadsteeds to 3/3s. There are a couple alternative win conditions in the deck as well, including Jaraxxus, and some tools to help you win the fatigue game.
One of the win conditions of this deck is to simply outlast your opponent’s deck (sometimes in fatigue). Unfortunately, the Warlock’s hero power hinders that ability. Sir Finley Mrrglton comes to the rescue. In matchups where going the distance matters, you are looking for Armor Up, Lesser Heal, or even Shapeshift. If you aren’t offered any of those, at least you’re changing your power up, which will allow you to keep hero powering after you don’t want to draw more cards or take any more damage.
Never drop Justicar before dropping Sir Finley Mrrgglton. Justicar is here to improve your survivability in fatigue matchups. I’ve had games where I’ve ended up with 40+ armor vs. Control Warrior, who will be unable to answer your board presence.
x2 Dreadsteed
The deck is built around this guy. Priests aside, the only way to deal with this guy is silence. Most decks only have one silence, and it feels pretty bad silencing a 1/1, so it rarely gets silenced. Once you get a Dreadsteed on the board, it’s there for good, and can be used as a ping every turn. This is the only card that there are 2 copies of in this deck.
Once Dreadsteed is on the board, Baron Rivendare will multiply your Dreadsteed. I usually try to wait to drop Baron Rivendare until I have a couple complementary spells in hand, such as Mortal Coil, and Sacrificial Pact. But once you have 4-5 Dreadsteeds, remove Baron as soon as you can. Having six Dreadsteeds on board slows down your ability to close out the game because you’re only able to have one additional minion on the board at a time.
x1 Mal’Ganis
Mal’Ganis buffs all your demons +2/+2, and makes your hero invincible. Once he’s on the board, your opponent has to deal with him, or he just loses the game. But, if all has gone according to plan, once Mal’Ganis gets on the board, your opponent will never be able to keep anything on the board again. If you have 5 Dreadsteeds on board, that’s 15 damage on the turn you play Mal’Ganis.
Jaraxxus is one of your win conditions in control matchups. The pressure he puts on your opponent is insane. 2 mana for a 6/6 demon every turn?! That’s unreal! He can also be used to heal you back up to 15 in some situations, though that’s far less successful and will usually only buy you a turn or two; but if it comes down to it, do it. It’s better than dying.
Healing is good, right? Sacrificing your minions usually isn’t. However, when your minions come back infinitely, sacrificing one is a win-win, especially when Baron Rivendare is on the board, duplicating your Dreadsteeds every time they die. It also has the benefit of killing your opponent’s Jaraxxus instantly. When facing Renolocks, if you can avoid playing any Dreadsteeds, giving away that you have Sacrifical Pact (it’s a common card in Dreadlock decks), you can sometimes kill them instantly the turn after they play their Jaraxxus.
x1 Reno Jackson
Has your opponent gotten you a little low on health? Well, as long as you’ve drawn at least one of your Dreadsteeds, this guy has you covered. Aggro decks will straight up concede after you play Reno. And plus, he takes away the downside of Life Tap. Reno is the reason there is only one copy of every card except for Dreadsteed in this deck. His heal only works if there is only one copy of each card left in your deck when you play him, but getting healed back to full health is worth the trade off.
Those are the most important cards. Now I’ll go over the rest of the cards briefly.
1x Mortal Coil
This card can be used on a Dreadsteed when Baron Rivendare is on board, or to kill off an enemy minion. Either way, it will draw you a card if it killed a minion.
Use this to remove a problem minion by buffing one of your guys to be able to deal with it. Works great with Dreadsteed to give it more oomph.
1x Zombie Chow
Since we don’t care about our opponent’s health at the beginning of the game, this guy is great! One mana for a 2 / 3 is a great deal, and helps you win the board early on.
1x Darkbomb
Just a simple, three damage removal spell. It’s a good card.
1x Dark Peddler
With this being a Reno deck, sometimes, you just want a chance at a second Mortal Coil, another Zombie Chow, maybe you want some more removal in Soulfire, whatever you need, there’s a good chance you’ll be offered something that can answer the board state with this card.
1x Doomsayer
Great removal. Great stall tactic. Most of the time, your opponent will just have to skip their turn, or waste removal getting rid of it. And in the Renolock matchup, playing this after Twisting Nether is a very tempting turn for your opponent to play Lord Jaraxxus, setting you up for lethal if you have Sacrificial Pact in your hand.
Pair this with Hellfire or Demonwrath to clear your opponent’s board. This can also be paired with Baron Rivendare and something like Mortal Coil for a 4 damage board clear, which will also give you a lot of Dreadsteeds.
1x Ironbeak Owl
Every deck can use a silence. Whether it’s to get through a taunt (not too common a concern with this deck, silence a pesky deathrattle (I probably use it on Sylvanas more than anything), or even getting rid of one of your Dreadsteeds when you have one too many, you’re going to want a silence.
1x Nerubian Egg
With the way Warlock AOE works, damaging all minions (or all characters) equally, Nerubian Egg is going to break giving you a 4/4 Nerubian that can be used to trade.
Since almost every deck runs Dr. Boom, this card is a necessity. Even if there isn’t a Dr. Boom, there may very well be a large minion that BGH can remove for you.
1x Deathlord
Your opponent is almost always going to be the one removing this, which means you have the first crack at the minion that he gets out of it, and will often be able to get rid of it before it can threaten you. You’ll also often deny your opponent a crucial battlecry. You also put them down a card, which can be pivotal in the fatigue game.
1x Demonwrath
This is an interesting AOE spell. It does damage to all minions except for demons, so it works great after Imp-plosion to finish clearing your opponent’s board without eliminating the minions you just put on the board, or lets you take some minions out without killing off your Dreadsteeds for that turn, letting them get past a taunt and hit a more important minion.
Imp Gang Boss is Warlock’s best 3 drop. Any time it takes damage, it puts an imp on the board. More board presence will help you from being overrun until you get your Dreasteeds set up.
At some point, you’re going to need some taunts to keep the pressure off, or more commonly, you’ll need to buff your Dreadsteeds to deal with what your opponent put on the board. Either way, Defender is great.
1x Hellfire
It took me a long time to understand that this is actually a good card. It may hurt you equally, but that’s not the point. It’s used to get threats off the board, and can sometimes help you get rid of Baron Rivendare while getting the remaining Dreadsteeds you wanted on the board.
1x Imp-losion
Do 2-4 damage to a minion and put the corresponding number of imps on the board? Yes, please! It feels so good to roll a four with this card.
Since you’re not concerned with your opponent’s health until the late game, giving your opponent 4 health is of little consequence, but it can help out a lot for you.
The Anti-kill Bot. Second only to Reno Jackson in the healing department. This guy is another lifesaver.
Best taunt in the game. Unless silenced, it will never take fewer than two attacks to kill Sludge Belcher.
1x Siphon Soul
Use this as large target removal. Has the added bonus of healing you for three.
When the board needs to be reset (except for your Dreadsteeds, of course) this card is guaranteed to get the job done. And it has one of the prettiest animations in the game.
Possible Additions
Since this is a Reno deck, there’s some wiggle room for cards included in the deck, keeping in mind that at some point you’re going to want to buff your Dreadsteeds to deliver more damage, and finish off your opponent more quickly, or trade with larger minions.
If you don’t have Mal’Ganis, Stormwind Champion can still give you a pretty large body, while still giving your minions a boost.
1x Raid Leader
Because Mal’Ganis gives your minions +2/+2, you might need another minion to help buff them.
Didn’t get enough Dreadsteeds from Baron Rivendare? Want to further buff your minions by copying Stormwind Champion, or does your opponent have something you could use? Faceless Manipulator can serve a lot of purposes.
1x Sense Demons
If you want to make sure you get your Dreadsteeds into your hand so you can heal up with Reno, this card can really help with that. It draws 2 demon cards from your deck and puts them in your hand.
1x Shadowflame
If you’re facing a lot of warlocks with demons, Demonwrath isn’t going to do much for you. Shadowflame is a fantastic replacement. It also synergizes really well with Power Overwhelming. Trade with a minion, or go face with a minion you’ve cast Power Overwhelming on, and then hit it with Shadowflame to deal its attack to all enemy minions. That’s pretty dang good.
If you don’t have Justicar or Sir Finley, or you just want to have one of those spaces for another card, this card is a good replacement for them. It still replaces your hero power (unless you’re facing another Warlock), and in the Control Warrior matchup, you can wait for them to play their Justicar, and then you can gain 4 armor per turn as well.
Final Thoughts
If you like controlling the board, infinite value (true infinite value), and a variety of cool interactions, try out this deck! The fun of watching Dreadsteeds infinitely stampeding onto your board is worth it by itself.
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
Dreadsteed Card Guide - Episode 67
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
- Chris is on the show this week
- Topic: Dreadsteeds all day, every day!
- Reasons to be happy this week
- News: Normal/Wild FAQ updated (Note, we list some names of the murloc/pirate cards needed on the show and not all of them are correct. You just need the classic cards to unlock the special cards!)
The Dreadsteed
- Why makes this card special and interesting
- Synergies and class flavor
The Lore of the Dreadsteed
- Crescendo and the flavor text
- Warlock mount in WoW
- Xoroth homeworld
- Headless Horseman Halloween event
- Behind-the-scenes Dev Story
BFFs of the Dreadsteed
- Mal’Ganis
- Raid Leader
- Mortal Coil
- Power Overwhelming
- Sacrificial Pact
- Baron Rivendare
- Kel’Thuzad
- Others on the show!
Natural Predators of the Dreadsteed
- Keeper of the Grove
- Ironbeak Owl
- Mass Dispel
- Others on the show!
War Stories of the Dreadsteed
We share some of his favorite moments playing with and against this card.
Dreaming of the Dreadsteed
We think up some potential new card ideas that would be fun to combo with Dreadsteed.
- Power of the Ages: Give a minion +1 attack and Deathrattle, pass this effect onto minions summoned from its Deathrattle.
- Endless Service: Sacrifice a minion. Add 2 copies of that minion to your hand.
- Question: None this week!
- iTunes Reviews
- Jake: 7 card packs
Card of the Week
- Contact Chris on Twitter and check out his photography!
- What you want to see in future episodes
- What hosts you want to visit the show
Saturday Feb 20, 2016
The Secret Paladin Deck - Episode 66
Saturday Feb 20, 2016
Saturday Feb 20, 2016
- Kevin is on the show this week
- Topic: Deck battle!
- Reasons to be happy this week
- News: We updated our show notes for the previous episode
What is a Deck Battle?
Once a month, a guest host brings their favorite deck onto the show to battle the current reigning champion deck for control of the Happy Hearthstone Deck Battle Throne!
If the challenger wins the best-of-3 series, their deck becomes the new Reigning Champion Deck and will fight off future challengers until it loses, or until it’s earned its place in the Happy Hearthstone Hall of Fame!
View the Deck Battle Archive + The Happy Hearthstone Hall of Fame
Defending Deck: Andrew’s Warlock Demon Zoo deck has reigned supreme for 8 months, and has beaten 6 decks before this episode.
Challenger Deck: Kevin’s Secret Paladin deck relies on flooding the board with sercets and minions for a sudden mid-game kill.
The Deck
- 2x Secret Kepper
- 1x Haunted Creeper
- 1x Ironbeak Owl
- 2x Knife Juggler
- 2x Shielded Minibot
- 2x Murloc Knight
- 2x Mysterious Challenger
- 1x Dr. Boom
- 1x Eadric The Pure
- 2x Avenge
- 2x Competitive Spirit
- 2x Noble Sacrifice
- 1x Redemption
- 1x Repentance
- 1x Coghammer
- 1x Divine Favor
- 2x Muster for Battle
- 2x Blessing of Kings
- 1x Consecration
- 1x Truesilver Champion
In case you don’t have some of the ideal cards, here are some quality back ups and alterations you can make that keep with the same theme and strengths of the deck.
- 2x Stormwind Champion
- 2x Mukla’s Champion
- 2x Grand Crusader
- 2x Raid Leader
The Duel
- Question: None this week!
- iTunes Reviews
- None
Card of the Week
- Contact Kevin on Twitter and listen to his WoW podcast Darkmoon Herald
- What you want to see in future episodes
- What hosts you want to visit the show
You’ve seen it. You’ve hated it. You may have even played it. Kevin’s own take on the infamous Secret Paladin deck makes some interesting changes to keep it fresh and add a few other threats to the deck. But the core of the deck — that wonderful Christmas-tree-building Mysterious Challenger — is still here and ready to rock.
Check out how this deck did in our deck battle on our latest episode of Happy Hearthstone!
Note from Josh: The rest of this article was written by Kevin. Thanks!
Secret Paladin
The Secret Paladin is a low-cost, low-skill-cap deck that’s incredibly diverse in its win conditions and ability to counter many popular deck on the ladder. It’s not a “cheater” deck like everyone on the forums would like you to believe and it’s been used at the World Championship levels of gameplay. It’s a fun and fast deck to play and there are some mind games involved in getting your opponent to waste cards in bad trades because of what you might have in your hand.
Let’s get straight into the cards I used in my deck for the mighty showdown with Josh. You can find a completely plain deck list on the podcast episode. Here, I’ll provide additional commentary where I feel it’s helpful or necessary.
This card is a great opener and is the main defense to early aggro aggression. Drop this card and watch it attract top-tier removal from the enemy’s hand. If they don’t remove it, it can be buffed significantly by the secrets.
Tough little minion that likes to stick around and make your opponent make bad decisions on how to clear it.
1x Iron Beak
Iron beak owl is a great card to have in your pocket. You never know when you might need a Silence effect.
A staple for most paladin decks. It helps with board control and combos with many other cards like Muster for Battle, Noble Sacrifice, and Murloc Knight.
Best two drop for Paladins with plenty of staying power, which means it’ll stay on the board for awhile to buy you time.
Murloc isn’t the theme of the deck, but this card plays two big parts in our strategy. It will either: 1) Fill your board with minions and you win the game. or 2) Be a lightning rod for your opponent to use all of their removal on and clear the way for more powerful cards like Dr. Boom or Mysterious Challenger to remain unscathed.
One of the greatest (but not the only) win condition to this deck. If you have 2-3 minions on the board and drop this card on turn 5-6 you will most likely win the game.
I love the lore and WoW-reference with this Legendary. If three or more minions are affected by Eadric’s battle cry you got value from it (his own stats are 5 below the Vanilla test, so you want to reduce enemy minions by at least that many). There’s also the fun of playing this card at a face to face tournament and seeing their reaction, since it’s so unexpected.
1x Dr. Boom
Need I say more?! He’s just awesome!
Spells + Weapons
2x Avenge
The strongest of the Paladin secrets, this is used to make your opponent think about who they must kill and in what order and anything it lands on, even a 1/1, becomes a real threat.
This secret takes your minions from good to great! As long as you have more than one minion on the board when this secret activates you get your value for it. It’s important to note that if you don’t have any minions on the board, the secret will not activate — so it will never be wasted.
This secret lets you keep the most precious minions and yourself alive. Drop this secret with a Murloc Knight or Knife Juggler to keep them on the board and get a combo or two off.
1x Repentance
This secret is a late-game game-changer. When their Dr. Boom turns into an 7/1 and is killed by a silver hand recruit, you get your value!
1x Redemption
This secret is the best for backing up your value minions, Dr. Boom, Murloc Knight, and Mysterious Challenger
1x Coghammer
Gives you a decent amount of board control and minion buffing early on.
1x Divine Favor
Can be incredibly powerful when playing against a Handlock deck. Use in early game if the opportunity presents itself to try to get Mysterious Challenger in hand by Turn 5/6.
The greatest anti-aggro card out there (besides Consecrate). You can combo with Competitive Spirit to get 2/2s on the board or Knife Juggler to deal 3 bonus damage right away.
The gold standard in Paladin weapons, must include one in every deck
A huge buff to a small minion = huge board presence. If you can get your opponent to trade 4 or 5 mana worth of cards to get rid of it, it has value.
1x Consecrate
Another amazing Paladin card that helps you handle early aggression decks
Possible Additions
There are many win conditions with this deck which is what makes it a strong ladder deck. You can build it on the cheap cheap or throw in your strongest Paladin or Neutral Legendary Cards. Even Hogger has a home in this deck!
This card is a fantastic minion buffer and lightning rod all in one. Plus it’s common quality but gives you epic-level value.
Since the main purpose of the deck is to gain board control, Stormwind Champion is a perfect substitute card. It’s a major body on the board and makes your hero power, Muster for Battle, and Murloc Knights way, way more powerful
Final Thoughts
Secret Paladin is a easy to learn, cheap (cost) deck to build and is very competitive in the current ladder whether you have the legendaries or not. It is fun to make your opponent play around your secrets that you are almost guaranteed value from. An excellent staple deck for anyone’s library!